Monday, October 15, 2012

Thank you for Praying!

Our team arrived back to Cleveland late Saturday night / Sunday morning ..... around 12:30 a.m.  We are thankful to be back.  We were without internet several days while in Nicaragua, so we will continue to blog about our trip until we have covered all of our projects.  Some of those will be about
  • the gifts we gave to the children at the school in Los Sanchez 
  • the hotdog dinner 
  • the baby orphanage 
  • the orphanage in El Canyon 
  • Partner's In Christ Transition Home
  • our day to explore the sights in and around Nicaragua
  • about some of our personal reflections from the week

Please pray for our team.  Coming back from a trip like this is harder than one may think.  As we ponder the changes the Lord has impressed upon our heart that we need to personally make, pray we would be obedient.  Pray we would be strong.  Please join us in continuing to pray for our brothers and sisters in Christ in Nicaragua.  Pray as they seek to further His name each and every day.  

Yesterday at church a lady approached me, introduced herself and shared she had heard Becky Osborne share about our trip in Sunday School that morning.  She felt God prompt her heart to go with us on the next trip.  She wants her granddaughter to go with her.  What an incredible opportunity for grandparents/grandchildren, dads/daughters, husbands/wives, cousins, moms/daughters, uncles/nephews and nieces, whole families.... I have had all combinations GO with us to Nicaragua.  I have never had one of them to say they regret making that decision- only thankful they could experience it together.  If God has prompted your heart at all- begin to pray now about going with us next Fall. 

In AWANA next week (October 21st) members of our team will be sharing about our trip.  If you would like to have a member of our team speak to your Sunday School, Bible Study, civic group, etc.  please contact me (Tara Waldrop at to schedule a team member or if you know members from our team personally- feel free to speak to them directly.

Much Love!
Mrs. Tara

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

So Hard to Leave - Our Last Day in Los Sanchez

Wednesday, October 10, 2012 with Becky Osborne:
Our last day in Los Sanchez, so proud of our work but so hard to leave.......

We were late leaving the Mission House, late picking up the fresh pastries for the Women's Ministry meeting and it started raining very hard.  As we were making our way to Los Sanchez, the narrow dirt road became slick as glass and hard to maneuver.  The teenagers compared the last hill to a ride at Dollywood - but that is another story for another day.

There they were, in the rain, waiting for us in front of the church.  The ladies headed to the church for the Women's Ministry meeting, the medical team left to offer their services "house to house", the young people and Grandpaw Chubby Gibson gathered with the children who had obviously skipped school and the roofers gathered with a couple of their helpers with what turned into a men's Bible Study led by Stan.  Now it doesn't get any better than that!

As we gathered in the concrete one room church with sawdust on the floor due to the rain outside, I have never experienced such a blessing.  Women holding babies, gathered in a circle, praising God and singing to the top of their lungs and didn't care who was watching or listening.  They were spending precious time with their Lord and it took my breath away.  Women who live in conditions we can only imagine, were giving their testimonies and praising God through song.  We had a devotion, with a translator, that as sisters in Christ, no matter where we live we are all alike and are to encourage each other along the way.  We gave folders containing encouraging Bible verses and served our fresh pastries to women who, instead of enjoying them, folded them in their napkins so they could share them with their families.  Where are my priorities and where do I go from here?

The medical team "happened upon" a woman praying so loudly for her sick child, you could hear her down the road.  They were able to give the child medicine and pray with the family.  God placed them on that road for His purpose.

On our way back to the Mission House we stopped at an orphanage for children ages 12 years and up who have down syndrome or mental issues.  Twenty children in such a well maintained orphanage, who wanted to play, hold hands, make some crafts and be loved on.  How many blessings can you have in one day?

We have just returned from a wonderful dinner at the Eskimo Restaurant here in Managua - linen tablecloths and waiters in uniforms.  I totally enjoyed my dinner, but I kept wondering what those precious ladies who had gathered that morning to praise God, fed their families tonight.  May God bless them and those they love.

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Pictures Speak a Thousand Words

Hopefully you will enjoy the following pictures.  Our team will blog later about our time at the school- working with the kids.  It is late but I wanted to post these pictures so hopefully all of you will catch a glimpse of your family member or friend (the roofers and medical crew have their own pages)!

Two roofs in two days!

It was our plan to put a roof on the church this week.  However, by the time we arrived the church had finished this project.  They requested our team put roofs on two houses in the community.  One roof was put on the house of a church member on Monday.  The pastor's house was roofed on Tuesday.  Each place was in desperate need of this work.  We are thankful our church provided the funds for us to complete these projects. 

Jared Erwin, Jay Gibson and Stan Gibson were our roofing team.  They were joined by Pastor Jay - the Partner's In Christ Field Director, Pastor Michael (who we have worked with on a previous trip), Pastor Ramiro (Bethel Baptist Church) and Pastor Franklin (at another local church).  They are part of a monthly fellowship of pastors that Jay leads at the PIC mission house.  This monthly fellowship allows the churches PIC partners with to receive encouragement, accountability, and fellowship together.  Pastor Jay meets with them to encourage and equip them.  They also share lunch together.  Hearing him talk about this group and what it means to him and the other pastors is incredible.  You can tell he has a passion and love for this group of men.  We are thankful they were so willing to help. 

Also a big shout out to Jay Gibson for his willingness to work on a roof on his 13th birthday.  One of the ladies on our team told him that most 13 year old young men she knew would not be willing to spend their birthday doing this task in this hot weather.  Thankful for his servant's heart.  We celebrated with a Nicaraguan birthday cake and had a great time!

Here is a look at their work in pictures:

The pictures will have to speak for themselves - I was not able to be on their work site due to working at the school and church during their time working.  Thanks to Mike for taking these pictures!
Much Love!
Mrs. Tara

Medical Clinic in Pictures

Monday and Tuesday our medical crew saw patients- over 200 in all.  Kim Dees and JC Sandlin from First Baptist were joined by Dr. Lopez.  It is our prayer that by offering this clinic the church will have many opportunities to share the name of Jesus.  This community does not have a medical clinic and the pastor desired for us to serve his community in this manner. 

Here is a look in pictures...................
Bethel Baptist Church
Los Sanchez, Nicaragua 

Our medical team turned the inside of the church into a clinic with white sheets and clothes line.  

Mr. Kim hard at work setting up!

 J.C. ready to fill the medicine needs.  Through the MAP International Medicine assistance we were able to give medicine to those in need.  If your church does medical missions you should check out this organization HERE!

 People from the village waiting outside the church.  The pastor's wife- Lorena would give them a number and write their name down.  They would wait to be called.
 Outside the church waiting. 
 Dr. Lopez a Nicaraguan medical missionary.  His love for his people is amazing.  It was a great privilege to serve with him this week.
 This lady was treated at the clinic.  Today was report card day at the school.  She was so proud of her twin girls' report cards.  She brought them and wanted us to see them.  Mrs. Carolyn and I with her!
 The doctor's tools are ready!
 The people arrived at the church via many forms of transportation. 
 Our team played games, made crafts and sung songs with the kids yesterday and today while they waited. 

A great day! Thanks for your prayers!
Much Love!
Mrs. Tara