Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Two roofs in two days!

It was our plan to put a roof on the church this week.  However, by the time we arrived the church had finished this project.  They requested our team put roofs on two houses in the community.  One roof was put on the house of a church member on Monday.  The pastor's house was roofed on Tuesday.  Each place was in desperate need of this work.  We are thankful our church provided the funds for us to complete these projects. 

Jared Erwin, Jay Gibson and Stan Gibson were our roofing team.  They were joined by Pastor Jay - the Partner's In Christ Field Director, Pastor Michael (who we have worked with on a previous trip), Pastor Ramiro (Bethel Baptist Church) and Pastor Franklin (at another local church).  They are part of a monthly fellowship of pastors that Jay leads at the PIC mission house.  This monthly fellowship allows the churches PIC partners with to receive encouragement, accountability, and fellowship together.  Pastor Jay meets with them to encourage and equip them.  They also share lunch together.  Hearing him talk about this group and what it means to him and the other pastors is incredible.  You can tell he has a passion and love for this group of men.  We are thankful they were so willing to help. 

Also a big shout out to Jay Gibson for his willingness to work on a roof on his 13th birthday.  One of the ladies on our team told him that most 13 year old young men she knew would not be willing to spend their birthday doing this task in this hot weather.  Thankful for his servant's heart.  We celebrated with a Nicaraguan birthday cake and had a great time!

Here is a look at their work in pictures:

The pictures will have to speak for themselves - I was not able to be on their work site due to working at the school and church during their time working.  Thanks to Mike for taking these pictures!
Much Love!
Mrs. Tara


  1. What an awesome ministry! Happy belated birthday Jay!! What a giving spirit.

  2. Happy Belated 13th Jay .... good work guys.
